Retro Commands


Moderator commands.


:superban name reason


:kick name


:alert name message


:ban name reason


:shutup name


:unmute name


:hotelalert message or :ha message






:deleteroom id


:unban name


:closeroom id


:openroom id






:userdata name


Habbo commands.






:score name {View score of the habbo you choose}


Admin commands


:credits name ammount


:takecredits name ammount


:voucher code ammount


:givebadge name badge


:takebadge name badge


:giverank name rank


:infobus open/close


:drink name drinkID


:teleport on/off






:warp x y {Change x to an coordinate, change y to an coordinate}


:height newheight


:cleanhand name


:lockhotel on/off














:diving on/off


:ipcheck on/off




:debug (admin only)

